Baked Terms.

Refund Policy

We do not offer full refunds. Should you find you are unhappy with your item, we will offer you a partial refund and a remake. You may choose to opt out of a remake, but there are no full refunds.

Delivery / Pickup

Delivery is strongly recommended for all cakes especially 2+ tiered. If you decide to transport the cake yourself, we will not be held liable or accountable for any damage to the cake once it is in your possession. No rebakes or refunds.

Cake Cutting Guide

To maximize your Baked by Ross cakes, please remember to cut Grid Style and not Pie Style. You can view our cake cutting guide here in our highlights.

Event Details

When discussing your event, please be thorough on all details. Divinity is in the details. Because we defer to you to lead us when creating cakes and other desserts for you, we want to ensure we are accommodating you and your event correctly.